I've been reading Diane Ravitch's book on school reform, and my last
two posts have focused on topics inspired by that work. One of her
later chapters has referred me to a 2011 publication of the National
Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences. The NRC
publishes some of the most thoughtful material in a variety of fields,
and so I put down Ravitch for a few days and picked up NRC publication
Number 12521, called
You can download it for free, and you should, by clicking on the link here.
issue of incentives and test-based accountability arises in several
contexts. One test-based accountability approach is to impose high
stakes accountability on education professionals in the form of pay
increases, bonuses, or job loss, based upon the results of
standardized test results. The NCR summary of the
research seeking to validate such systems suggest that incentive based compensation has had
marginal impact on student performance, at best, and that such systems
carelessly designed can actually harm educational quality. Another
test-based accountability system is to impose high stakes
accountability on schools or school districts. Once again, the
research raises serious questions as to whether the kind of incentives
that are being advocated these days is actually making things better.
The NRC research study looks at a variety of important issues raised by test based accountability systems in some detail. What does research generally tell us about how to choose the right
incentives to motivate employees, or students? Does the same
incentive system work for all employees? What impact does an incentive
system have on the kind of employee who is attracted to the profession,
and who does it encourage to leave the profession? What impact does
an incentive system have on the total amount of compensation that must
be paid to keep employees on the job. (Here there is a strong
consensus, by the way, that when compensation is contingent on
performance, employer's must increase the rate of pay, in order to make
up for the contingent nature of compensation. Performance pay is more
costly, on the average.) What are the costs and benefits of a
performance incentive system?
What do we know about test
design and the use of standardized testing as a measure of performance?
Are the tests that we are currently using valid and reliable enough,
to actually measure high quality performance? Is it possible that
there are are highly valuable educational goals that simply are not
measured by standardized testing, and what price do we pay if we focus
primarily on those goals that can be readily measured on machine scored
tests? All of these issues are analyzed in the NRC report based on
ten years of accumulated research, and I'll summarize some of those
conclusions in upcoming posts.
I've been interested in the
topic of incentives and accountability for quite some time. We live
in a time when it has become increasingly popular to think of humans as
strictly economic animals, motivated entirely by material things, (read
money). And in the last decade, it has become especially popular to
suggest that education could be improved if we could just develop a
system of economic rewards and punishments that allegedly would cause
professional teachers significantly to upgrade their teaching by
connecting pay, or even tenure, on the results of standardized tests.
Just as used car sales persons are motivated to sell more cars when
they work on commission, the reasoning goes, so might we significantly
increase productivity in education by putting teachers on commission,
providing bonuses to those who raise test scores and none to those who
My interest in rewards and punishments in education was
stimulated when I joined the St. Cloud School Board. In the year before my election our school board had implemented a bonus system for principals
based upon their evaluations. Unfortunately, our principals reported that the bonus
system was actually demotivating. One of our best principals actually
turned her bonus down, stating that her work for children wasn't based
on receiving a bonus, but rather on her dedication to public education
and to children. I began to read some research on performance
rewards. I read the work of one of the leading employee recognition experts, Dr.
Bob Nelson, who warned that employers need to give a lot more thought to what motivates
their employees. He argues that recognition, not performance pay, is
the key to motivating employees.
Recognition represents the single most validated principle for driving
desired behavior and performance in today’s work environments. Compared
to the average company, employees in a recognition-focused company are 5
times more likely to feel valued, 11 times more likely to feel
completely satisfied, 7 times more likely to stay, and 6 times more
likely to invest in the company
works, but the central problem is whether recognition by small
performance pay bonuses is the kind of recognition that works in public
education, and the evidence to date doesn't seem to support the idea
that you can improve educational performance by implementing pay for
testing results. What is often forgotten, in the performance pay
debate is that, actually, performance pay isn't all that productive even in the world of business. Nelson writes:
managers [wrongly] think money is the top motivator What employees
really want is to be valued for a job well done by those they hold in
high esteem. As Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, says,
"Imagine that every person is wearing a sign around their neck that
says, 'Make me feel important.'" Sure, compensation is important, but
most employees consider it a right, an exchange for the work they do. As management consultant Rosabeth Moss Kanter puts it, "Compensation is a right; recognition is a gift."
of a recent survey by the Council of Communication Management also
confirm that recognition of good performance is the top motivator of
employee performance. But how many managers consider "appreciating
others" to be a major function of their job today? Not many.This is true
even though one-third of managers report that they themselves would
rather work in an organization where they could receive better
recognition.People want to feel they are making a contribution at work,
and for most individuals, this is a function of having the respect of
peers and colleagues, having managers who tell them when they do a good
job, and being involved and informed about what's going on in their
department or organization.
points out that the key to motivation is to focus on what motivates the
employees who are actually doing the work. "What motivates
others is often different from what motivates you," Nelson tells
In the late 1940s,
Lawrence Lindahl performed classic studies about what workers want from
their jobs, and those studies were repeated with similar results in the
early 1980s and 1990s. Managers identified good wages, job security, and
promotion or growth opportunities as the primary reasons they believed
their employees worked. Employees, on the other hand,reported
intangibles such as appreciation for work done, feeling "in" on things,
and empathetic managers as their most desired job attributes. When
employees and supervisors ranked a list of motivators from one to 10 in
order of their importance to workers, workers rated "appreciation for a
job well done" as their top motivator; supervisors ranked it
eighth. Employees ranked "feeling in on things" as being number two in
importance; their managers ranked it last at number 10.To
have a motivating work environment, this perception gap between
managers and employees must be closed. Managers must be sure to reward
the behavior they desire with recognition that is valued and meaningful
to their employees — not just themselves.
research on employee motivation convinces me that it is dangerous to
make careless assumptions about rewards, incentives and accountability.
And so, I was really interested to review the NRC's report on
incentives and accountability. I'll pick up this thread in my next